The Flowering of Vocal Music in America
Liner Notes   Cat. No. 80467     Release Date: 1994-01-01
This in-depth look at some of the earliest vocal works in America combines two separate LPs from the original Recorded Anthology into a two-disc set. The first disc contains a collection of vocal music by Moravian composers from early Pennsylvanian settlements. Music was everywhere in Moravian life; picnics and outings, births and deaths, and religious ceremonies were accompanied by music and often inspired songwriters. At a time when other American congregations knew scarcely a dozen hymn melodies, the Moravians had hundreds and were constantly creating new, sophisticated harmonized chorales. When viewed against their American contemporaries, the Moravian composers stand apart by virtue of their training, craftsmanship, and experience with orchestral music.

The second disc features beautiful vocal music from the period between the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Around this time, music was beginning to gain commercial value. Buyers wanted a good tune: memorable but consistent with melodies they already knew. The recordings on this disc are settings of works from the most popular poets of the day by the most highly regarded American composers. Featured are Benjamin Carr (Sir Walter Scott), Oliver Shaw (Thomas Moore), and George Jackson (Alexander Pope). Included is an exhaustive 40-page booklet featuring a comprehensive social analysis and complete texts.

Various Artists

The Flowering of Vocal Music in America

MP3/320 $29.00
FLAC $29.00
WAV $29.00
2x CD-R+ $52.00
CD-R+ titles come in a jewel case with print booklet.                         Liner Notes
A *.pdf of the notes may also be accessed here free of charge.

Meine Seele Erhebet Dem Herrn
Jeremiah Dencke
Mein Heiland Geht Ins Leiden
George Gottfried Müller
Ich Bin In Meinem Geiste
David Moritz Michael
Leite Mich In Deiner Warhreit
Johann Friedrich Peter
Gehet In Dem Geruch Seines Brà¤utigams-Namens
Jeremiah Dencke
Abide In Me
Johannes Herbst
See Him
Johannes Herbst
And Thou Shalt Know It
Johannes Herbst
How Greatly Doth My Soul Rejoice
Johannes Herbst
Thanks Be To Thee
Johannes Herbst
Anthony Philip Heinrich
The Lady Of The Lake: Mary
Benjamin Carr
The Lady Of The Lake: Soldier, Rest!
Benjamin Carr
The Lady Of The Lake: Hymn To The Virgin
Benjamin Carr
The Lady Of The Lake: Blanche Of Devan
Benjamin Carr
The Lady Of The Lake: Alice Brand
Benjamin Carr
The Lady Of The Lake: Coronach
Benjamin Carr
There's Nothing True But Heaven
Oliver Shaw
The Dying Christian To His Soul
George K. Jackson